Studying Public Health
Current situation
With the beginning of the so-called Bologna Process, the development of a European higher education area with comparable degrees, a new phase of public health education began: since then, public health has been an academic qualification in a three-level degree system: bachelor, master and doctorate. In the first two degrees, UAS degrees and university degrees no longer differ from each other. Only the doctorate is still largely reserved for universities. The majority of public health courses are still at the master's level. In contrast to the time before the Bologna Process, however, there are a number of Bachelor's degree programs that already teach the core content of public health. At the same time, the Bologna Process introduced an external accreditation of study programs, which, however, rather examines general criteria (e.g., studyability, compliance with formal criteria, resources) and focuses less on subject-specific criteria. The Teaching Commission of the DGPH continues to strive for professional development.
The overview of the member study programs of the DGPH makes clear the variety of Bachelor and Master programs that deal with Public Health today.
At the Master's level, there are degree programs in Public Health at Bielefeld University, Fulda University of Applied Sciences, the University of Bremen, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Hannover Medical School, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Jade University of Applied Sciences Wilhelmshaven / Oldenburg / Elsfleth, Berlin School of Public Health, Leuphana University Lüneburg and Dresden University of Technology.
In addition to the Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Master of Arts (M.A.) degrees, the Master of Public Health (MPH) can also be awarded in the continuing education programs. The type of degree is not a quality criterion. However, continuing education master's degree programs require professional practice, are in some cases less comprehensive, and usually require a fee.
Doctoral opportunities
Depending on the initial qualification and the doctoral regulations of the respective faculty, graduates of a Master's program in Public Health can earn a doctorate in Public Health relevant topics at different faculties with different titles (e.g. Dr. phil, Dr. rer. pol., Dr. rer med.).
Special PhD opportunities in Public Health (Dr. PH) are currently offered by five universities in Germany: Bielefeld University, Bremen University, Hannover Medical School, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf and Hochschule Fulda University of Applied Science