Public Health Ethics
The aim of the Working Group Public Health Ethics is to establish philosophical ethics as a sub-discipline in the field of public health. Ethics should be strengthened in public health research and teaching. A sound and informed integration of public health ethics into research and teaching should ultimately be conducive to improved public health practice
The working group aims to achieve these goals by providing a forum for members of the DGPH to:
- Discuss, design, and present public health ethics research - for example, at annual meetings,
- share experiences on teaching and skills and build capacity,
- offer advice to members and external institutions on public health ethics as a discipline but also on specific ethically relevant public health ethics issues,
- to act as a public health ethics network in Germany and also in cooperation with partners abroad.
In order to establish the still young field of research and teaching and to make it more visible nationally and internationally, the WG Public Health Ethics works closely with the WG Public Health Ethics of the DGSMP and the Section Ethics in Public Health of the EUPHA.
If you have ideas, wishes and interest to prepare joint workshops for annual conferences on public health (DGSMP, European Public Health Conference, Poverty and Health), please contact us early, taking into account the deadlines for abstract submission.
Prof. Dr. Verina Wild (Sprecherin; Universität Augsburg)
Prof. Dr. Peter Schröder-Bäck (Stellvertreter; HSPV.NRW, Aachen)
Public-Health-Ethics Literature
Anand, S., Peter, F., & Sen, A. K. (2004). Public Health, Ethics, and Equity. Oxford University Press.
Barrett, D. H., Ortmann, L. H., Dawson, A., Saenz, C., Reis, A., & Bolan, G. (Hrsg.). (2016). Public Health Ethics: Cases Spanning the Globe (1st ed. 2016 edition). Springer.
Bayer R, Gostin LO, Jennings B, Steinbock B (Hrsg.) Public health ethics: Theory, policy, and practice. New York, Oxford University Press
Dawson, A. (2011). Public Health Ethics: Key Concepts and Issues in Policy and Practice. Cambridge University Press.
Dawson, A., & Verweij, M. (Hrsg.). (2007). Ethics, Prevention, and Public Health. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
Eichhorn, Christine; Loss, Julika; Schröder-Bäck, Peter; Wewetzer, Christa (Hrsg.) Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention: Zwischen Freiheit und Paternalismus. Themenheft Das Gesundheitswesen 1(72), 2010.
Eyal, N., Hurst, S. A., Norheim, O. F., & Wikler, D. (2013). Inequalities in Health: Concepts, Measures, and Ethics. Oxford University Press, USA.
Holland, S. (2015). Public Health Ethics. John Wiley & Sons.
Powers, M., & Faden, R. (2008). Social Justice: The Moral Foundations of Public Health and Health Policy. In Issues in Biomedical Ethics. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
Schröder-Bäck, Peter (Hg.) Public-Health-Ethik in der Praxis. Themenheft Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz (5)52, 2009.Schröder-Bäck, Peter (Hg.) Public-Health-Ethik. Themenheft Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz 51(2), 2008.
Schröder-Bäck, Peter; Kuhn, Joseph (Hrsg.) Ethik in den Gesundheitswissenschaften – Eine Einführung. Weinheim: Beltz-Juventa, 2016.
Schröder-Bäck, Peter: Ethische Prinzipien für die Public-Health-Praxis. Grundlagen und Anwendungen. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 2014.
Selgelid MJ, Battin MP, Smith CB (Hrsg.) Ethics and Infectious Disease. Blackwell Publishing, Malden
Strech D, Marckmann G (Hrsg.) (2010) Public Health Ethik. Münster, Lit.
Public Health Ethics -
Public-Health-Ethik Lehre in Deutschland
Wir planen derzeit eine Bestandsaufnahme der Public-Health-Ethik Lehre in Deutschland. Über die Ergebnisse werden wir hier informieren.