Health promotion and prevention
The section Health Promotion and Prevention of the German Public Health Association (DGPH) pursues the goal of strengthening health promotion and prevention in Germany. Health promotion and prevention are core elements of public health. They represent important components of research, teaching and practice in the public health field. We would like to bundle the expertise in the German Public Health Association on this topic and promote the exchange and further development of this innovative field - also in cooperation with other professional societies.
Promoting the exchange of content and strengthening the joint commitment in the field of health promotion and prevention
Networking and focused cooperation with related disciplines, actors and institutions from science, practice and politics.
Creation of continuing education opportunities on the topic, especially for early career researchers, young professionals and students.
Planned activities of the department
Regular meetings of the department
Participation in congresses and symposia
Organization of events on various topics in the field of health promotion and prevention (workshops, seminars, symposia)
Exchange of content and discussion of current issues and publications on relevant topics
Networking of faculty members for joint research and publications
Networking of faculty in the field of health promotion and prevention to create synergies
Opportunities for participation
You are invited to become involved in the Department of Health Promotion and Prevention to help shape the department. All ideas and wishes are welcome. Feel free to contact us at:
Contact (interim)
Dr. Stefanie Helmer
Research Unit Evidence-Based Public Health
Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP)
University of Bremen
Dr. Heide Busse
Department of Prevention and Evaluation
Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS
Achterstraße 30, 28359 Bremen