
The Section Research aims at contributing to further improving the conditions of public health research in Germany.  Public health research creates the basis for actively and effectively protecting and promoting the health of the population. Therefore, a good research environment benefits the society as a whole.

Goals of the department

  • Promotion of public health research to improve health in Germany and worldwide
  • High internationally compatible quality of public health research in Germany
  • Identification of the most important public health research topics through prioritisation processes Supporting reliable career paths for public health researchers

To achieve these goals the section…

... promotes the exchange based on public health research between science, politics and practice
… is in open dialogue with researchers and research funding institutions in Germany and internationally
… works towards identifying priority research needs in the field of public health
… supports the development of career paths and networks for early career researchers
… supports scientific institutions and initiatives in public health

Activities and products:

  • Study: Prioritization of research topics for public health
  • Participation in the development of a public health strategy of the Future Public Health Forum, especially in the "Essential Public Health Operation" public health research (EPHO 10)
  • Open cooperation with relevant journals and research teams

Opportunities to participate:

All members of the GSPH / DGPH are welcomed to get involved. You can participate in our ongoing activities or contribute your own ideas by e-mailing

Spokespersons of the department

Prof. Dr. Claudia Pischke
Institut for Medical Sociology
Centre for Health and Society (chs)
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf
Moorenstr. 5
40225 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49 211 81-08599

Dr. Sarah Forberger
Institut for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS
Department Prevention and Evaluation
WHO Collaborating Centre for Obesity Prevention, Nutrition and Physical Activity
Senior Research Fellow, NIHR Global Health Centre for IMPACT
Department of Health Science, University of York, UK
Achterstraße 30
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49  421  218-56907