Public Health Nursing
The Department of Public Health Nursing aims to further develop the role of nursing as a health profession in the context of public health. Its contribution to prevention and to maintaining, restoring and promoting the health of the population or selected population groups should also be made more visible and effective in Germany.
What is Public Health Nursing?
Public health nursing is a specialty practice within nursing and public health. It focuses on improving population health by emphasizing prevention and attending to multiple determinants of health. Often used interchangeably with community health nursing, this nursing practice includes advocacy, policy development, and planning, which addresses issues of social justice. With a multi-level view of health, public health nursing action occurs through community applications of theory, evidence, and a commitment to health equity.
American Public Health Association / APHA, Public Health Nursing / PHN Section 2013 / 02.02.2022
In the specialist area, we deal with the role and mission of nursing care, among other things
- in the public health service, in the community and in community-based health care (Community Health Nursing),
- in the health promotion and health maintenance of various target groups in public schools (School Health Nursing),
- in preparing for, responding to and coping with crises, emergencies and disasters (Disaster Nursing),
- in the health care of refugees (Refugee Health Nursing) and in other public health areas (e.g. immunization, infection prevention, environmental health).
Goals of the department
- Promotion of practice development and professionalization in the various fields of Public Health Nursing / Community Health Nursing
- Supporting the teaching of public health nursing / community health nursing issues in health and nursing science degree programs
- Stimulation of joint research activities on issues and problems of Public Health Nursing / Community Health Nursing
- Active and expert participation in public discourse relevant to public health nursing / community health nursing
- Expansion of networking on public health nursing / community health nursing within Germany and with international partners
Advocacy for socially and health-disadvantaged population groups at all levels of society, the promotion of health literacy, education and participation as well as the commitment to an inclusive, user-centered and results-oriented health and care system are further key concerns.
First activities
- Supporting the implementation of the political declarations of intent to introduce community health nursing in the German health and care system
- Promoting the sustainable implementation and research-based further development of school health nursing in Germany
- Supporting measures to promote disaster resilience, particularly in long-term care facilities
Interested members of the DGPH are cordially invited to suggest further ideas, wishes and focal points and to actively contribute to the department.
Spokespersons of the department
Prof. Dr. PH Michael Ewers MPH
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Institute for Health and Nursing Science
CVK – Augustenburger Platz 1
13353 Berlin / Deutschland
Tel. +49 (0)30 450 529 092
Prof. Dr. Annett Horn
Fachhochschule Münster
Department of Health
Hüfferstraße 27
48149 Münster / Deutschland
Tel. +49 (0)251 83-65901