
In this section public health-students and young professionals share their work on relevant public health issues. The members of the department with different professional background and interest study on different public health locations nationwide. As an interdisciplinary approach, students from all health-related subjects are welcome to share their views on public health-related topics. 

The section is organized from students for students and young professionals. Therefore, the section aims to represents students’ interests. Different student-led formats such as a poster-presentation at the congress „Armut und Gesundheit“ (Poverty and Health; a large German public health-congress) enables students to present their own research. Moreover, the section tries to connect with different nationals and international early-career initiatives. 


  • Cross-location networking of students and young professionals in health sciences 
  • Represent the interests of German public health students 
  • Encourage and inspire career paths in public health 
  • Promote interdisciplinary student collaboration 
  • Create an open workspace for the issues affecting public health students 
  • Create formats as workshops to participate in open forums 
  • Achieve networking-platforms for students and young professionals 

To achieve these goals, we… 

  • are active at many public health locations 
  • support each other 
  • collaborate in person and digitally 
  • use modern tools and media 
  • cooperate with other networks or associations 

Activities and products 

  • Monthly newsletter "Campus News“ 
  • Organisation of the student poster presentation at the Poverty and Health Congress 
  • Promotion of the student science slam at the Poverty and Health


  • Participation in the programme committee of the Poverty and Health


  • Organisation of digital lectures to different public health careers   
  • Collaboration with other sections from the DGPH  
  • Social Media content about healthy study  
  • Providing different Social Media platforms  

Opportunities to participate 

The student section welcomes everyone who is interested in getting involved. If you are interested in student cooperation and would like to get involved, please send us an email ( or get to know us personally at one of our personal meetings. 

We are looking forward to meeting you! 
